Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Li'l girl come back to me,
No more my sorrows be thine
Speak 'em to me for I'm there
Make yourself lighter at your heart...

Gimme all your troubles and be at peace
Shed all your tears of redemption at ease
Make the most of what you have
Try to retrieve what you've lost

Make a new beginning, at whatever cost
Don't you nudge your efforts null
May your life ne'er be dull ever
Make the most of it, I know you're clever

Since the time you grew up to mature
You had ne'er a moment sore
But then things changed for all
When it happened 'tis hard to recall

But all I need to say is that I'm there forever
Just to help the kiddies out
And make life happier of all those near
But you gotta try 'nother time, not to fail

Great were the days, starred will they be
Just you have to forget the scars
Whatever be the cost, no bars
And you'll come out like blooming flowers, for sure

-- Smartha Guha Thakurta

Disclaimer: Written by my brother Smartha during his summer internship days in Delhi in 1998